
Here's the "interesting shot" as Honn mentioned for those who haven't clicked into the photo site. I just put it in my post cos pictures make the blog look more lively in my opinion haha.
Recently I've had some reasons to be sad, and here they are.
First off, my results suck. No, they're not the usual so-so/barely made it/not too good... I really bombed this time. And to think I was pretty confident, I don't understand why. None of my modules' results matched my expectation. Having gotten over it, I realised the good thing is I finally fell so far that I cannot climb back and can take it easy from now on. School's gonna be much more relaxing.
Ok, that's probably the only real reason to be sad. Next reason is we did not meet on Saturday despite much promise and potential shown in the discussions. I think Giap is especially disappointed about the outcome haha. So is Tuesday gonna be on? If everyone can make it, Ton and I will decide a place and time to meet... right Ton? So try to reply if u can by tomorrow nite k then probably I'll msg u all on Tues morning.
Lastly, I'm sad cos no one realised my April Fool's post was not at all true. Shaopeng was the closest to realising cos of the name (Yi Chong Lie). That's my name alright cos I took the photo but did not win an award nor is there a magazine called PhotographyLife. And if you look real close, at the bottom right hand corner of the picture it says "PTW: Happy April Fool's!" But since it wasn't important I didn't mention this earlier... haha.
Ok, time to sleep early cos got work tomorrow. Oh crap, one more reason to be sad...
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