Balls to lotus
The first time I visited the Chinatown in Paris, I bought fishballs so that I can add some BALLS TO INSTANT NOODLES. They cost abt 1.30euro for a packet of 10 balls, which I tot was quite reasonable, and definitely much cheaper than eating out.5 days later, when I visited Chinatown again, I spotted a packet of balls which cost 1.30euro also. But this time round, there's like abt 25 of them or so in the pack. Damn good deal, I thought to myself. Below is a picture of the balls.

Looks super like fishballs, right? However, when I first sunk my teeth into one of them, it was with an incredible amount of determination that I did not spit the 'thing' out. It tasted plastiquish...basically, not nice to eat. I thought maybe I had not defrosted the balls properly. However, the second time I ate them, still tasted as sucky. I went to check the packing. There was no mention of what the product is but the picture says it all...

They are LOTUS BALLS! Lotus balls are one of the worst food I've tasted in my life, even worst than ginger and brinjal fried together...not that I've tried that before...haha..and the worst part was that there were another 20 more of the balls left to finish. Under the noble act of not wasting money, I persevered with lotus balls, downing 2 of them each time with my noodles. The Formidable Stomach finally gave up on 2 Aug when 10 uneaten lotus balls found their way , under my 'guidance', to the dustbin. Even the most Formidable Stomach cannot stomach lotus balls.
Next time buy balls, make sure you buy the right ones. Don't be fooled, like the way I was. Balls to you, lotus.
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